
Friday, August 1, 2014

Want To Achieve Financial Freedom? Get Mentors!

Why financial freedom?

After almost 14 years of  working locally (1994 to 2008) , there's one thing I can say: I'm still in the rat race! Being in the rat race means many things:

Your salary isn't enough to sustain your means of living.

You live from paycheck to paycheck. 

You work hard till night but no overtime pay. And even bring your work at home.

You act like a robot because you do the same things again and again.  

You have to follow your company's mission: No work, no pay! 

You earn but still buried in debt.

You act like a prisoner. You have the exact time to eat and take your break. There are many rules to follow.

So on...blah...blah...blah.

And yet there are many times that you've got to borrow money from your office mates and friends because there's an emergency needs to be paid. And the sad thing is---you can lose your job anytime for whatever reasons. Recession is one of them.

Believe me: being an employee is only a short term solution for a long term problem! Wait! I didn't say that having a job is bad, what I'm saying is your objective should be focused on creating passive income streams so that you'll get out of the rat race. Don't wait till you retire. 

By the way, you might ask me what does passive income means. Passive income means that your money works for you. It means you earn even if you are sleeping or while you're sun-bathing in one of your favorite beaches. You'll get out of the rat race when your passive income becomes equal or greater than your monthly expenses. Your paycheck is called active income because you've got to work for it. If you got sick, you earn nothing. If you are earning passive income, you can pay financial debts, you can buy your dreams and most of all---you become FREE! 

What should you do to earn passive income?

Look for money-making ideas. These money-making ideas are everywhere waiting for you to discover. Think abundance and for sure you will see them!

Look for mentors. Your mentor should be someone who doesn't just "know" about finances but someone who is actually financially-free! He walk the talk and who is actually doing the right thing and is successful in doing the real thing.

Let me introduce to you my mentor...introducing Bo Sanchez.

Don't worry, I'll introduce you to him through his latest article about The Secret of Retiring Rich: Money Cost Averaging. You can become his student too.

I got something to tell you. When you found mentors in every aspect of your life whether it is financial, spiritual, or relational --you'll never get lost. As of now, I'm on my way in getting out of the rat race. I'm grateful to say that Bo Sanchez leads me wherever I am right now. It is true that when the student is ready, the teacher arrives.

On my next blog, I'll introduce you to my other mentors. 

For the meantime, take action. Be coach-able and apply what you learn on the process and start your journey towards financial freedom.

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