
Friday, August 1, 2014

Disassociation: The Third Key Element of Change

(Part 3 of 4)

In my previous blogs, I mentioned the first two key elements of change: AWARENESS and UNDERSTANDING.

Let's proceed to the third key element of change...

"Once you realize that your way of thinking isn’t you, you can separate yourself from it and choose in the present whether to keep it or let it go—based on who you are today, and where you want to be tomorrow. You can observe this way of thinking and see it for what it is, a “file” of information that was stored in your mind a long, long time ago and may not hold any truth or value for you anymore," T. Harv Eker added.

He called this process as DISASSOCIATION.

Disassociation must answer the following questions:

1. Can you see that these thoughts represent only what you learned and are not part of your anatomy and not who you are? 

2. Can you see that you have a choice in the present moment to be different? 

Disassociation would be easy once you were able to become fully aware of your verbal programming and be able to understanding how that kind of programming  affects your life. No one consults a doctor if a person is convinced that he doesn't need one even the symptoms of his "sickness" are pretty obvious. If you are buried in debt or if your relationship stinks then that's the time you've got to consult the right person who can help rectify your problem area. You can only do so if you realize that whatever is happening to you right now is totally and completely separate from whom you really are. Failing means that you are not a failure, it only means that you are not yet succeeded. 

In my case, I was able to disassociate that my verbal programming i.e. "I'm the one who is responsible for the financial destiny of my family" represents only of what I learned and not exactly the way I wanted to be. And I have the choice in the present to be different. I didn't say that I will stop helping my family financially, what I'm saying is, I have my own life to be taken care of and my family can live and survive without me---that's my disassociation.

You have the power to be in command of your life. You can choose to be a victim forever--you can stay poor, abused, out-of-place in the world you live in, or you can be a victor and choose to be in-charge of your life.

The last key element of change: RECONDITIONING can be found on my next blog.

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